Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
Processing Time is about 2-3 days.
Shipping Time is usually for 5-7days.
We will notify you by email when the order is placed. The Express company is usually FedEx, Yun Express, or DHL. You can check your logistics information after the logistics information is updated.
If you want to change your address,please email us at After your order has been sent out, you can not change your shipping address.
Our dolls are of high quality and we are very confident that you will be satisfied with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with the quality of our dolls, we are happy to refund the full amount after receiving the dolls within 90 days. Please contact us atďź
The goods you purchase legally enjoy a 7-day appreciation period (note! The evaluation period is not a trial period). The seven-day appreciation period is based on the Consumer Protection Act. Customers (including themselves, relatives or managers, etc.) will be counted 7 days after receiving the goods. If the goods remain new and fully packaged, you can contact customer service to return them. Please write your order number when requesting a refund, and we will process it for you.
We do not ship to APO/FPO addresses or college dorms. Shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico may exceed normal delivery time.
Expedited shipping is not offered to P.O. Box shipping addresses.
We do not offer overnight shipping.
Paying with PayPal
- With PayPal, you can send payments quickly and securely online.
- Through PayPal, you can pay with a credit card, debit card, or bank account balance.
- Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to PayPal's site where you can make the payment.
Advantages of using PayPal
Payment is traceable. You can trace the status of your payment using your PayPal account. Realistic Sweet Gallery doesn't receive your credit card number or bank information (it is safely encrypted through PayPal's server), which limits the risk of unauthorized use.
Have a question related to reborn dolls or creating your own reborn? Trying to get started in the fun and rewarding hobby of reborn dolls can be confusing and downright difficult at times. With limited stores and shops selling reborns, many newcomers are left with more questions than answers, which is why we created this page. Here we'll have an ongoing FAQ where we'll be answering some of the most common questions regarding reborn dolls. Of course there's a good chance we won't have an answer to EVERYONE'S question, but we promise we'll do our best to answer any that you have. If there's a question that's burning a hole in your mind, shoot as an email through our contact form and we'll try to post it here.
Information Security
Your online order is absolutely secure. We use standard SSL encryption for all transactions so you are assured that any information you send us is encrypted even before they are sent.
You will be emailed a shipment confirmation email along with a tracking number to track the shipment of your package. Click Here to enter tracking number to track your package. The online update of logistics information may be delayed for 1-2 days, please wait patiently.
How Much Do Reborn Dolls Cost?
There's no denying the fact that reborn dolls vary greatly in price. Because they're made by both skilled doll artists and big-name doll companies, they're sold in a wide range of prices.
Who Invented Reborn Dolls?
The history of reborn dolls is shrouded is shrouded is speculation, as no one knows who the first person to ever create a reborn doll is. However, we do know that the hobby of making lifelike dolls exploded during the late 80s to early 90s, and as a result, the term "reborn doll" was created. Dolls that were made to look as realistic as possible were then called reborns, and so the craze began.
Why don't our domain name and logo match?
Our registered trademark is Realistic Sweet Gallery®, which aims to design and produce the most realistic sweet reborn dolls in the world and enrich our website to make it a gallery of realistic sweet reborn dolls. And is a collection of the initials of each word, plus dolls to emphasize our industry, making it short, easy to remember and rich in meaning.
Is It Hard To Reborn a Doll?
If reborning was easy, I think more people would be doing it. The fact is, though, that a high-quality, lifelike reborn doll takes 30-40 hours to complete. You have to find a doll, remove all the features, carefully add multiple layers of paint to it, weight it down, etc. In addition to the excessive time it takes to reborn a doll, the supplies are also going to cost extra money. If you're interested in reborning a doll, you should start with a kit that includes everything you need. These aren't going to give you us much freedom as starting from scratch, but it's easier and less expensive for beginners to use.
Can I Style My Reborn's Hair?
It really depends on the type of hair used and how much the artist rooted on their head. Typically, mohair has some realistic properties that allow the individual to move and style it around a bit. You can even use gel, pomade and other hair care products on your reborn as long as you wash it out afterwards.
How Do I Get a Pacifier To Stay In My Reborn's Mouth?
So, you've seen pictures and videos of reborns with pacifiers in their mouth but can't get one stay in your reborn's mouth? The trick is to place a magnet behind the doll's mouth when you're making it. You can then place another magnet strip behind the pacifier; therefore, allowing you to add and remove the pacifier as you please. Unfortunately, however, reborn dolls sold without this magnetic strip won't have this option.
Do Reborn Dolls Move?
Most traditional reborn dolls don't have any mechanical or moving parts. However, there are some which have unique features built-in that allow them to make noises, move and even cry.[such as our heartbeat and coos dolls] As you can expect, these dolls typically costs a bit more than traditional dolls without any extra moving parts.
Can Children Play With Reborn Dolls?
Absolutely they can, but remember that reborns are more of a collectible and less of a toy. If they're mishandled or treated without care, they can become easily damaged. To make matters worse, it's oftentimes difficult to fix such damages, as you may not be able to find a perfect match for the paint, limbs, eyes, etc. Teach your child what's acceptable and what's not with reborns to ensure they don't damage it in any way.
Continuously updated...